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i don't mean to brag . . .

but i'm the kind of person who,

when the going gets tough,

when shit hits the fan,

i QUIT! ;-),,

i go for a gigantic, full-blown abandonment of whatever project i'm involved in. 

oh, that's just me and my silly commitment to abandonment and to my fleeting pleasures: if the pleasure's gone, so am i!

i'm listening to johnny cash's 'ring of fire' as i write this, a testament to my philosophy. everyone knows johnny cash achieved his success by fleeing the minute he found himself in mild discomfort! when the going got tough writing "ring of fire" he began weeping and panic-whispering "what hte heck is this effing shit??" and his assistant said "it's called hard work and commitment?" (hesitantly cause the assistnat didnt wana be RUDE!)
and then johnny cash replied "well i'm fucking done with that horsecrap" (he was a cowboy do not forget!!!)
and then he mosied his way on out in his cowboy boots, stepping gingerly through the office to the ext, careful to not step on christmas decoration-themed paper mache his assistant made daily out of boredom.

and guess what? when the going got tough, upon seeing johnny's panicked escape, the air gasped "what an inspo to us all. i'll complete the writing to ring of fire AND give him notes for 'i walk the line'"

and THATS how a great 2 pop hit stunner got wrote folks!


today's advice.

toodle.....i GIVE UP!!!! :-)
